
I am a college student who loves to code in his free time. I am a full-stack web developer who specializes in React, NextJS, Typescript, and React Native - so pretty much React. But I’m also proud of my web development fundamentals and the skills I’ve been honing for 3 years.


📧 [email protected]



📞 703-712-9239


Lead Web Developer

Disinfolab*, Generic City, Country – (Dec 2019 - Present)*



I have extensive experience with my "native" programming language, having worked with it for over 3 years. For back-end development, I used JS to build APIs using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Once I fell in love with frontend, I transitioned to Firebase, AWS, and other cloud providers and services. I then came full-circle back to server-side with the MERN stack and the new and improved Next JS ecosystem.

Here are some of my projects:

Youtube Bookmarker

Probably my favorite project, since it’s an actual product people can use. I made this with React and Typescript. The goal is to save timestamp bookmarks on any YouTube video, with any notes you want to write with each timestamp.

Aadil Mallick | Web Developer

Some of my projects (the ones I bothered to finish)


Python was my second programming language after Java, and I loved how easy it was to use. I’ve made Flask apps, used Pytorch, and learned to use Google Colab for machine learning projects. Recently I’ve ventured into using the OpenAI Python SDK and Langchain.